Cynthia Achkar

BISO/ISO Practice Lead, NBC

“Perseverance, makes the impossible possible, the possible probable and the probable realized”. – Leon Trotsky

Photos ⓒ Justine Latour

Involved and inspiring

About ten years ago, I decided to make a professional transition from the medical field to the technology field. I chose cybersecurity because it is a subject that fascinates me, awakens my curiosity and my thirst for wanting to learn. My coaching and mentoring efforts gave me continuous learning opportunities, without which I would certainly not have been able to evolve as quickly as I did. Through it all, I had the opportunity to do a lot of work on myself, which helped grow my confidence and overcome my limiting beliefs, particularly as a woman in a rather masculine field. Since then, I have held several positions and acquired the necessary expertise to obtain the position of ISO and BISO* practice lead. My versatility and my passion for technological challenges continue to guide my professional journey. I am proof that a journey accompanied by coaching and with the support of FORTES allows women to surpass themselves, to flourish, and to contribute fully to their commitments.* Information Security Officer and Business Information Security Officer.

Cynthia is involved in coaching

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